306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Intelligence Memos
From: Simon Dyer, Chris Ragan and Blake Shaffer To: Alberta taxpayers Date: February 5, 2019 Re: After Redwater, Environmental Cleanup Risks Remain The Supreme Court of Canada last week overturned the Court of Appeal of Alberta’s decision in the closely watched Redwater legal case. The court’s ruling ensures environmental cleanup costs will get priority over creditors when…
Intelligence Memos
From: Debra Steger To: Trade Ministers of ''Like-Minded" WTO Members Date: October 23, 2018 Re: Reform of the World Trade Organization Canada is hosting a ministerial meeting tomorrow evening and Thursday in Ottawa on reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO). A number of “like-minded” WTO members are expected to attend, including the European Union, Japan, Brazil and Mexico. The United…
Intelligence Memos
To: Concerned Ontarians From: Rosalie Wyonch and Farah Omran Date: August 14, 2018           Re: The Fallacy of Buck-a-Beer Ontario Premier Doug Ford recently announced a “Buck-a-Beer Challenge” for brewers to lower prices in time for Labour Day, the policy change lowers the minimum price of beer in Ontario. In exchange for lowering their prices (…
We have often heard that Canadians are unprepared for retirement. Low interest rates have meant low returns to saving and have accelerated the demise of defined-benefit pension plans in the private sector. People — we are told — are not saving enough for retirement to compensate. But such fears of retirement unpreparedness are overblown. Studies on the subject have typically ignored retirement…
Intelligence Memos
From: Benjamin Dachis and Jennifer Y. Tsao To: Finding the Parking Sweet Spot Date: July 28, 2016 RE: Get rid of Jurassic Parking You’ve had a bruising battle stuck between taxi companies and Uber. The next battle in the sharing economy is coming, and it will be over street parking. What should you do? The issue is bubbling up in Canada’s four largest cities because of the upstart car sharing…
Intelligence Memos
From: Jon Johnson To: Canadian Exporters to the US  Date: May 30, 2024  Re: CUSMA Joint Review May Not Be a Smooth Ride Originally viewed as a formality, the joint review process for the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) looks set to be a consequential undertaking. The first joint review takes place on July 1, 2026, and if the three nations confirm that they wish CUSMA…