306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Intelligence Memos
From: Alexandre Laurin and William B.P. Robson To: The Department of Finance Canada Date: July 11, 2022 Re: Seniors Double Whammy: A Sagging Market and Obsolete Pension Rules Prices are rising and stock markets are falling – a toxic combination, especially for older Canadians who rely on savings in registered retirement saving plans (RRSPs) and defined-contribution pension…
Intelligence Memos
From: Lawrence Herman To: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Date: May 18, 2021 Re: Line 5: A White House Missing in Action The battle over Enbridge Line 5 – unfolding in a Michigan courtroom - shows how declarations of friendship between Canadian and US governments are hostage to local politics. Last February, the Prime Minister and the US President concluded a Roadmap for a Renewed US…
Intelligence Memos
From: William B.P. Robson To: Canadians Concerned about Inflation Date: April 5, 2021 Re: Is Inflation Back? In the End, it’s a Question of Politics Suddenly, inflation is in the news. In Canada and abroad, spending is surging and COVID-impaired production is struggling to keep up. Key commodities – oil, lumber and metals – are expensive. It is front-of-mind in financial…
Intelligence Memos
From: Lawrence Herman To: Canadians concerned about trade Date: January 29, 2021 Re: Compensation, Not Sanctions, for Keystone Keystone XL is dead. Everyone knows that. Nothing can force the Biden administration to reissue the construction permit. The fight is now over any compensation owed to owner TC Energy Corp. by the US government. Even though it was endorsed by the…
Intelligence Memos
From: Adam Found and Peter Tomlinson To: Public Finance Experts Date: November 24, 2020 Re: Ontario Reforms its Business Property Tax Can anything good come of the novel coronavirus? Examples are clearly scarce, but there’s one notable entry in Ontario’s 2020 budget. The budget announced long overdue reform to the province’s business property tax – generally known as the Business Education Tax (…
Intelligence Memos
From: Steve Ambler and Jeremy M. Kronick To: Bank of Canada watchers Date: November 6, 2020 Re: Choreography for the Bank of Canada’s Delicate Dance The Bank of Canada recently announced an end to two short-term lending programs it introduced at the start of the pandemic. Their winding down is welcome news: it means the Bank has been successful in stabilizing financial markets…