291 results found for "basic income"
Published in the Calgary Herald on January 24, 2012 By Colin Busby Ottawa surprised the provinces last month by unilaterally announcing that future federal support for health would grow more slowly, and would be tied to population growth and the strength of the economy. But most of the provincial premiers who gathered in Victoria last week saw it as a provocative snub. After loud throat clearing…
Published in the Globe and Mail on November 19, 2010 By Michael Bliss There are no quick “fixes” to Canada’s system of national health insurance. Many prescriptions for change can’t be implemented because of public resistance. But it’s feasible to reduce the financial burdens of health care on Canadian governments. The history of our other major social programs suggests we can usefully…
Intelligence Memos
From: Travis Toews To: Canada Pension Plan Observers Date: November 23, 2023 Re: In Defence of Alberta’s Pension Report Since the release of the Alberta Pension Plan report, I’ve read with interest the steady stream of commentary and opinion and, while there have been some thoughtful pieces, much of it has been ill-informed and misleading. Doubt has been cast on the…
Intelligence Memos
From: Jeremy M. Kronick and Steve Ambler To: Inflation observers Date: June 6, 2023 Re: Slaying the Beast: The Bank of Canada’s Inflation Fight The surge of inflation as economies recovered from the COVID lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 took central bankers and most other observers by surprise. Canada was no exception. Year-over-year CPI inflation rose from -0.4 percent at its nadir in…
Intelligence Memos
From: Alexandre Laurin and William B.P. Robson To: Canada’s Tax Collectors Date: September 27, 2022 Re: Inflation Pain Includes Tax Creep and Benefit Erosion Inflation of 7 percent or more is something many Canadians had never experienced until this summer. As a country, we are rediscovering how much inflation hurts. The shrinking value of our dollars is bad enough on its own, but…
Intelligence Memos
From: Barry Gros To: Canada’s Pension Regulators Date: September 12, 2022 Re: Standards Hinder the Proper Management of Target Benefit Pension Plans The majority of single-employer defined-benefit (DB) pension plans in the private sector have been either closed to future accruals, completely converted to defined-contribution plans or wound up. Their influence lingers, however…