306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Intelligence Memos
From: Farah Omran and Jeremy Kronick To: The Hon. Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance Date: November 21, 2019 Re: The Productivity Opportunity in Canada’s Financial Sector    Productivity improvement is a central challenge to Canada, and its financial services sector is the proverbial low-hanging fruit. The sector not only employs relatively more educated workers and…
Intelligence Memos
As Canada forms its next government, the Prime Minister’s Office will be preparing ministerial mandate letters. In this special Intelligence Memo series, policy experts highlight key challenges and priorities in each minister’s portfolio.  From: Miles Corak To: The incoming Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Date: November 4, 2019 All Canadians have a right…
Canadian monetary policy is the legal responsibility of exactly one person, the Governor of the Bank of Canada. This single decision-maker structure is unique among the central banks of advanced economies. The last review of the bank’s governance structure was conducted by a parliamentary subcommittee in 1992 (known as the Manley Committee). It is time to assess the structure governing monetary…
Intelligence Memos
C.D. Howe Institute’s second Regent Debate took place last month. Four prominent voices sparred over the following question: Is Canada Facing an Existential Crisis in Competitiveness? Today: the case for from former Ontario finance minister Dwight Duncan. Canada is unequivocally facing an existential crisis in competitiveness. Frankly, when presented with the question, I asked myself what does…
Round 4 of the NAFTA negotiations ended in exceptional bitterness on Tuesday, with the United States presenting a series of deeply disturbing and unacceptable proposals. While the negotiating deadline was extended into early 2018, the talks are heading downhill and will likely hit the wall before then. It's interesting that commentators are now talking about the need for a Plan B (or C or D) for…
As a Nobel Laureate once said, “The times they are a-changin’.” The global trading system has been thrown into disarray with Donald Trump’s election and his clear disdain for international trade commitments – or, put another way, his stridently protectionist policies designed, he says, to make America great again. This amounts to a decisive turnaround from the leadership role U.S. administrations…