306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Intelligence Memos
To: The Hon. Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Finance From: John Lester Date: August 24, 2022 Re: R&D Tax Credit Review Needs to Focus on the Right Issues Canada is not keeping up in the global competition for innovation-led growth and prosperity. Our research and development intensity is low relative to other countries and not enough of our inventions are commercialized at home…
Canada is not keeping up in the global competition for innovation-led growth and prosperity. Our research and development intensity is low relative to other countries and not enough of our inventions are commercialized at home. Can Ottawa’s current review of the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit announced in its last budget make a difference? In principle,…
Intelligence Memos
From: Charles DeLand To: Canadians Concerned about Prosperity Date: August 15, 2022 Re: What is the Actual Plan? Long-lived Investments Need Consistent Signals Russia’s Ukraine invasion has grabbed the world’s attention and understandably drawn focus to energy security. Despite overwhelming and vocal political support for Ukraine, governments are still only offering mixed signals and shifting…
Keystone XL is dead. Everyone knows that. Nothing can force the Biden administration to reissue the construction permit. The fight is now over any compensation owed to owner TC Energy Corp. by the U.S. government. Even though it was endorsed by the Canadian government and even though Alberta invested up to $1.5-billion in the venture, Keystone is a private-sector project. Claims for compensation…
Discussion of Canada’s lagging productivity performance was missing from the recent federal election campaign, which is perhaps no surprise. It’s not a subject that lends itself to daily announcements and photo ops. But now that the electoral dust has settled it’s time to take steps to address the issue. There is no better place to start than to boost productivity in the financial services sector…
Intelligence Memos
From:  Will Falk To:  Christine Elliott, Ontario Minister of Health Date: January 21, 2019 Re: Hallway Medicine and Value-based Funding Talk of hallway medicine has drawn an image of people needlessly suffering because of an ill-organized and poorly funded non-system that puts institutional interests above patients. This image has defined the problem to be addressed.…