306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Published in the Globe & Mail on February 12, 2014 By Alexandre Laurin An understated highlight of the federal budget was that, for the first time in five years, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has a healthy baseline. His cumulative $45-billion surplus projected over the next five fiscal years would be the envy of most past federal finance ministers, not to mention Mr. Flaherty’s provincial…
Published in the Globe and Mail on November 26, 2013 By Christopher Ragan Economists see the world differently than business people and politicians. This is never more evident than in discussions about the benefits of freer trade. Here’s a suggestion for an educational evening: Invite an economist, a businessman and a politician for dinner and ask them if Canada would benefit by unilaterally…
Published in the Globe and Mail on May 29, 2013 By Christopher Ragan Mark Carney gave his last public speech as Governor of the Bank of Canada last Tuesday, and used that opportunity to speak about how well “Canada works.” He spoke about the success of monetary and fiscal policy during the financial crisis, and about Canada’s resilient financial system. He explained how Canada’s monetary union –…
Published in the Globe and Mail on September 14, 2012 By Daniel Schwanen The overwhelming reaction from experts to the friendly bid by China National Offshore Oil Corp. for Calgary-based Nexen Inc. has been to urge Canada to be “strategic” in its response to the deal. Indeed, we should be – but being strategic should not mean making policy on the fly. In late 2007, the Canadian government issued…
Published in The Toronto Star on July 21, 2011 By Benjamin Dachis and Don Dewees After years of concern that Ontario would not have enough electricity, the province has increased generation capacity and now has the problem of periodically having too much electricity. The best way to solve this problem is, perhaps counterintuitively, to pay producers to stop generating. In many hours so far…
Published in the Financial Post on October 29, 2010 By Clyde Goodlet The upcoming G20 meeting in Seoul is expected to address the amount of capital that banks – specifically large banks deemed "too big to fail" -- must set aside to support the various risks they manage. The source of this issue is the oversight body called the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which last month floated…