306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Double the Pain: How Inflation Increases Tax Burdens by William B.P. Robson and Alexandre Laurin Inflation and taxation are a painful combination. Money losing its purchasing power hurts on its own, but tax provisions that ignore inflation can multiply the pain for earners, savers, and recipients of benefit programs as well. This E-Brief identifies problematic interactions between inflation and…
The Study In Brief The reality of climate change and the imperative to sharply reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is now being addressed by policymakers in many countries, with the potential to transform the underpinnings of the North American and global economy. This E-Brief examines US climate policy and industrial policy in the Inflation Reduction Act, assesses its coverage and…
Scaling Up Is Hard To Do: Financing Canadian Small Firms by Miwako Nitani and Aurin Shaila Nusrat Canada’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an out-sized role in generating jobs and promoting economic prosperity. But Canadian growth-oriented SMEs lag those of other advanced countries and face financing hurdles, whether in raising debt or attracting equity investments. Despite Canada…
The Study In Brief Stablecoins are cryptographic (crypto) assets that are widely used in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and crypto-asset trading strategies. Stablecoins offer the prospect that their “stable value” could potentially increase their use and desirability as a crypto medium of exchange by exploiting the benefits of blockchain technology, such as composability (integrating…
The Study In Brief Investors facing a national security review under the Investment Canada Act receive little in the way of information during the process. The absence of information exposes the process to criticism from investors, vendors and the public. For investments that require a full national security review, the Canadian government should introduce a national security amicus to…
The Study in Brief The federal government’s massive spending and borrowing during the COVID-19 pandemic has desensitized Canadians to fiscal excess. The government has promised costly new programs without revenue to cover them or measures to boost economic growth and the tax base. This Shadow Federal Budget for 2022 changes course, focusing on growth and ensuring Canadians have the fiscal…