306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Intelligence Memos
To: Pension Policy Watchers From: Jason Vary Date: May 17, 2023 Re: Bill C-228: The Four-Year Countdown Starts Now Well, despite all the doomsaying about unintended consequences, Bill C-228 the Pension Protection Act is now law. It received royal assent on April 27 and a four-year transition clock is now ticking. Quick Refresher The new act amends the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the…
Intelligence Memos
From: John Richards To: Concerned Canadians Date: August 31, 2017 Re: A Back to School Wake-up Call In an industrial age, whether a country educates its children well is perhaps the most important determinant of whether the next generation will be prosperous or poor, whether income inequality will be high or low. Good schools are not a panacea for avoiding all social ills, but weak schools are a…
Intelligence Memos
To:  Pension observers From: Barry Gros Date: May 14, 2024 Re: BC has Lessons for Target Benefit Pension Plans With the era of private sector defined-benefit (DB) pension plans fading into history, it’s important to understand other alternatives. One such alternative, which still focuses on providing a lifetime benefit, is the target-benefit plan (TBP), a middle path between…
Speeches and Presentations
Speaking Notes for Evan Siddall, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation C.D. Howe Institute Roundtable Luncheon 421 7 Avenue Southwest, Suite 4000 Calgary, Alberta Why Housing Matters to Canada’s Financial Stability: Insights on Housing Market Risks and CMHC’s Financial Stability Role Thank you Bill, and a special thanks to the C.D. Howe…
In the Thursday, February 28, 2008 edition of the Calgary Herald, reporter Geoffrey Scotton discusses a recent C.D. Howe Institute report, which suggests energy windfalls could leave Alberta unprepared for a market downturn or an inevitable slowdown in oil production. Cited in the article is Colin Busby, a Policy Analyst at the C.D. Howe Institute and author of the aforementioned study, who…
Intelligence Memos
From: Alexandre Laurin and William Robson To: Participants in the Canada Pension Plan Date: September 7, 2017 Re: Investment Risks in an Expanded CPP Our report in April, Bigger CPP, Bigger Risks, highlighted the possibility that disappointing investment returns in the expanded Canada Pension Plan (CPP2) will force younger Canadians to bail the plan out, and urged provisions to protect them. It…