The C.D. Howe Institute established the SME Working Group to provide governments and regulatory authorities with recommendations that will support the success and growth of Canadian SMEs - particularly concerning: 

  • Removing barriers to availability and access to long-term patient financing;
  • Broadening Canadian capital markets, and;
  • Fostering an improved environment for business growth across Canada.


Michael Denham

Michael Denham

Executive Vice President, Commercial and Private Banking, National Bank of Canada


Blair Poetschke

President, Scintica Instrumentation

Carlo Rossi

Manager, Office of Economic Growth and Innovation, Ontario Securities Commission
George Rossolatos

George Rossolatos

Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Business Growth Fund (CBGF)
Ian C. W. Russell

Ian C. W. Russell

Senior Fellow
Michael Rothe

Michael Rothe

President & Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Finance & Leasing Association
Rachel Skelton

Rachel Skelton

Partner, TorQuest Partners
Hugh Swandel

Hugh Swandel

President, Meridian OneCap