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Sep 16

A.J. Goulding, Terry Boston, Bryne Purchase

Toronto ON, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt Lecture , C.D. Howe Institute, 67 Yonge Street, Suite 300

What's Next for Ontario's Electricity Market?

The Institute was pleased to host this off-the-record policy roundtable luncheon examining the prospect of an electricity capacity market in Ontario. This panel event, entitled "What's Next for Ontario's Electricity Market?", featured experts Terry Boston of PJM Interconnection, A.J. Goulding of London Economics International LLC, and Bryne Purchase of Queen's University. Although Ontario currently has adequate electricity capacity, it is unclear as to whether this will be the case within a few years' time. The introduction of a capacity market in Ontario is currently being debated as a means of addressing this concern in a cost effective way.

In his role as president of London Economics International LLC, A.J. Goulding manages a growing international consulting firm focused on finance, economic, and strategic consulting to the energy and infrastructure industries. In addition to serving as a sector expert in electricity and gas markets, his responsibilities include project management, marketing, budget and financial control, and recruiting. A.J. also serves as an adjunct professor at Columbia University, where he teaches a course on electricity market design and regulatory economics.

With over nineteen years of experience in evolving electricity and natural gas markets, A.J.’s diverse background enables him to work effectively in both emerging markets and OECD countries. In North America, A.J. has been articulate in describing market relationships between wholesale power marketers, merchant plants, aggregators, and the existing investor owned utilities. In emerging markets, A.J. has considerable experience dealing with the challenges of mixed private and public ownership, difficulties in creating credit-worthy distribution and retail entities, and the realities of line losses, unreliable fuel deliveries, and politicized labor relations.

A.J. began his career performing natural gas market analysis for the ICF Resources subsidiary of ICF Kaiser International. Later, he lived for two years in New Delhi, India, where he advised the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on electric power sector restructuring in India. He continued his work on India while pursuing his MA at Columbia University. Upon completion of his MA, A.J. served as business development associate for Citizens Power LLC, a top ten US wholesale power marketer. He then moved to London Economics, where he has held roles of progressively increasing responsibility.

Terry Boston is President & CEO of PJM Interconnection which is the electricity system and market operator serving parts of the northeast and central USA. A.J. Goulding is President, London Economics International LLC a global economic, financial, and strategic advisory professional services firm specializing in energy, water, and infrastructure. Bryne Purchase is currently an adjunct professor at the School of Policy Studies, Queen's University. Among other positions, Dr. Purchase was a former Chief Economist of Ontario and a former Deputy Minister of Finance, Deputy Minister of Revenue and Deputy Minister of Energy, Science and Technology in Ontario.

Bryne Purchase is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University and a Fellow (and founding director) of the Queen’s University Institute for Energy and Environmental Policy. He is a regular contributor to Queen’s Park Briefing, a Torstar on-line publication covering Ontario politics and economics.

Bryne is a former Ontario Deputy Minister of Finance and Revenue and Deputy Minister of Energy, Science and Technology. He has a Ph.d. in economics from the University of Toronto and is the author of a number of publications relating to economics, governance and competitiveness. His latest book is, Navigating on the Titanic: Economic Growth, Energy and the Failure of Governance, McGill-Queen’s University Press (2013).


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