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Nov 20

How to Get More Rental Housing Stock Built

Toronto ON, 67 Yonge Street, Suite 300

Roundtable Luncheon with Olivia Chow, Aled ab Iorwerth & Tsur Somerville

C.D. Howe Institute events and webinars are open to members and their guests.

Please follow this link or contact events@cdhowe.org to register.

Olivia Chow, Mayor of Toronto

Olivia Chow has served the people of Toronto for over three decades. Born in Hong Kong in 1957, she immigrated to Toronto with her parents at the age of 13. An apartment in the St. James Town neighbourhood was the launchpad for
her remarkable personal journey as a community organizer, activist, school board trustee, Metro Toronto Councillor, Member of Parliament, and now the first person of Asian descent to serve as Mayor of Toronto, and the first woman
to serve as Mayor since the six municipalities of Metro Toronto were amalgamated.

As our new Mayor she is working hard to build a City that holds the same kind of hope and promise that it did when she first arrived here – a City that is more affordable, caring and where everyone belongs.

Aled ab Iorwerth, Deputy Chief Economist at CMHC 

Groundbreaking research by CMHC has revealed that inadequate supply is a key driver behind escalating house prices in cities like Vancouver and Toronto. The lead researcher for that project – Deputy Chief Economist Aled ab Iorwerth – now coordinates a diverse national team of researchers and analysts who are investigating impediments to housing supply and potential solutions.

“Housing markets are local. Broader challenges such as supply are often common, but the drivers and magnitude of these challenges may differ significantly across the country. My goal is to help understand and inform on market dynamics, how they support or hinder housing affordability goals and to provide thought leadership on housing economics across housing industry participants.”

Aled joined CMHC in 2016, bringing his strong analytical and research capabilities to bear on complex housing issues. He previously had a 15-year career at Finance Canada, in various research and analysis roles that included secondments to Environment Canada and the Council of Canadian Academies.

Aled holds a PhD in Economics from Western University and master’s degrees in European and International Relations (University of Amsterdam) and Economics (Carleton University). He speaks three languages: English, French and Welsh.

Tsur Somerville, Real Estate Foundation of BC, Professor in Real Estate Finance & Associate Professor, Strategy and Business Economics Division

Dr. Tsur Somerville is an associate professor and holder of the Real Estate Foundation Professorship in Real Estate Finance at the Sauder School of Business at UBC, where he has been a professor since 1993. He is currently a Senior Fellow with the UBC Centre for Urban Economics and Real Estate, where he previously served as Director from 2001-16. His research on real estate development, mortgage and real estate finance, and housing markets has been published in the leading academic journals in urban, housing and real estate market. In addition to his academic research, Dr. Somerville is a frequent commentator in the local and national media on Canadian real estate markets. Dr. Somerville sits on the editorial boards of the leading journals in real estate and has served as an officer of several academic organizations in the field. He is currently a NAIOP Distinguished Fellow. Dr. Somerville received his Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University and his BA in Economics and East Asian Studies from Hebrew University (Jerusalem).

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