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Jun 18

Naheed Nenshi, Mayor of Calgary

Calgary AB, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Suite 4000, 421 – 7th Avenue SW

Building a prosperous city for every Calgarian

Mayor Naheed Nenshi is a passionate Calgarian, an accomplished business professional, and an active community leader. During his first term in office, Mayor Nenshi’s leadership has already resulted in many positive changes in Calgary to build better communities, keep Calgarians moving, and transform government to reinforce a culture of constant citizen-focused improvement at The City of Calgary.

His real passion is to make cities, especially Calgary, work better. He's the lead author of Building Up: Making Canada's Cities Magnets for Talent and Engines of Development and has long put his ideas to work in Calgary.

Mayor Nenshi grew up in Calgary and has lived and worked in cities around the world before returning home. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (with distinction) from the University of Calgary and a Master in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, where he studied as a Kennedy Fellow.

Mayor Nenshi is currently serving his second term and is Calgary’s 36th mayor.


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