October 2, 2012 - The Quebec Government’s new tax plan – which would replace the across-the-board health contribution of $200 per taxpayer with large marginal tax increases on high-income earners as well as increased taxes on capital gains and dividends – may result in a government revenue…

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Le 2 octobre 2012 – Le plan fiscal du nouveau gouvernement du Québec risque d’entraîner un manque à gagner annuel d’environ 800 millions $ pour le trésor québécois, soutient une nouvelle étude de l’Institut C.D. Howe publiée aujourd’hui. Le plan prévoit l’abolition de la contribution santé pour…

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September 26, 2012 – Ottawa should issue more real-return bonds (RRBs) to satisfy investor demand and lower its borrowing costs, among other benefits, according to a report released today by the C.D. Howe Institute. In “More RRBs Please! Why Ottawa Should Issue More Inflation-Indexed Bonds,”…

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September 25, 2012 – A C.D. Howe Institute study that concludes federal tax rules are preventing many Canadians – especially in the private sector – from saving enough for retirement, has won the 2012 John Hanson Memorial Prize from the Actuarial Foundation.

The Chicago-based Foundation…

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