Gaps in access to healthcare have long been a challenge in Canada, but became a top priority in the midst of the COVID-19 infectious disease crisis. The existing labour supply and mix of professionals puts fundamental limits on the healthcare system’s capacity, as does the availability of the necessary infrastructure, tools and equipment for those professionals to provide care.

The pandemic exposed pre-existing gaps in Canada’s healthcare system in terms of preparedness, labour policies and the risks posed to and by providers, particularly those working in multiple locations or facilities. Expansions in virtual care, adaptations to clinical practices and expanding scopes of practice for some health professionals are all examples…

Vaccines are giving everyone hope that the COVID-19 global pandemic may soon allow us to return to our normal lives. That hope has been tempered by frustrations about vaccine rollout and fear of mutating variants and so almost all parts of the country remain in some kind of lockdown. But what strategy should we follow on lockdowns to get us through to what we hope is full inoculation? What we need is a tool that considers both health and the economy, not the false dichotomy that we must choose one over the other.

Research we have conducted for a C.D. Howe Institute paper using an epidemiological-economic model provides important insights to help guide us until a vaccine is widely available. The results we…

Ils ne vont pas jusqu’à contester la loi de l’offre et de la demande, mais aux États-Unis, plusieurs économistes de renom révisent certaines « vérités » sur l’endettement public et le rôle de la politique budgétaire.

Chercheurs émérites et même Nobel d’économie, ils ont été président de la Réserve fédérale, économistes en chef du Fonds monétaire international, conseillers des présidents des États-Unis, directeurs du budget et secrétaire au Trésor. Ils se nomment Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman, Ben Bernanke, Olivier Blanchard, Kenneth Rogoff, Larry Summers, Jason Furman et Robert Rubin, pour ne citer que les plus connus.

Ils ne sont pas d’accord sur tout. Certains penchent à gauche, d’autres à droite, mais…