Read the latest opinion piece from Blake Shaffer in Maclean's.

At this time of anxiety surrounding international trade relations, it was encouraging to see a new Canadian free-trade agreement arrive on the scene Friday. Unveiled by federal, provincial and territorial governments, the CFTA seeks to reduce government-imposed barriers that Canadians face when seeking economic opportunities across the country. But does it deliver? Only partly.

Our economic union, with all its flaws, remains a vital avenue of economic opportunities for Canadians. The CFTA represents a serious but incomplete attempt at removing barriers to accessing these opportunities. Canadians looking to buy and import alcoholic beverages more freely from other provinces will certainly be disappointed by the CFTA, which only…

The robots are coming! No job is safe! We’ve been hearing this refrain for a while now, describing the latest wave of the technological revolution that has transformed economies everywhere. But is there truly nothing a machine can’t do better than a person?

With all that current technology can accomplish, it’s easy for people to assume that robots will be replacing humans in all corners of the workplace. Our latest research for the C.D. Howe Institute — ‘Future Shock? The Impact of Automation on Canada’s Labour Market’ — carefully assesses the evidence.

Our main conclusion: There’s no need to reach for the panic button just yet.

It seems like the federal government agrees with us, as the recent budget…