Evert Lindquist is Professor of Public Administration at the University of Victoria and Editor, Canadian Public Administration, the flagship journal of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada. He served as Director of the School of Public Administration (1998-2015), professor at the University of Toronto (1988-1998), and ANZSOG-ANU Chair in Public Management Research (2010-11). He was the first Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Visiting Fellow (1992-94) and has served as President of the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration. He has published on diverse topics relating to public administration, decision-making, think tanks, and government reform, and teaches courses on public sector governance, policy-making, and reforming government. Recent articles include: “The digital era and public sector reforms: Transformation or new tools for competing values?” Canadian Public Administration, 2022; “The Ecology of Open Innovation Units: Adhocracy and Competing Values in Public Services Systems” (with M. Buttazzoni) in Policy Analysis & Design Practice, 2021. Recent collections include: Policy Success in Canada: Cases, Lessons, Challenges (eds. Lindquist, Howlett, Skogstad, Tellier, ‘t Hart, 2022, Oxford Univ. Press).