306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Earlier this week, The Globe and Mail revealed internal research by government officials showing a global trend toward older normal pension ages, with most OECD countries’ target policy retirement age to be raised to at least 67 by around 2050. An eventual increase in the normal retirement age, here in Canada, appears inevitable. Despite this trend, Ottawa recently reversed course and…
The brunt of Canada’s economic woes is falling on a few resource-based provinces. This avalanche of lost employment – Alberta lost 10,000 jobs in January – calls for a close look at our employment-insurance system, which maintains regional inequities by treating some workers much more generously than others. As the first layer of Canada’s social safety net, EI gives recently laid-off…
Intelligence Memos
From: John Weekes To: The Senate of Canada Date: October 13, 2023 Re: Making supply management untouchable would be a big mistake There are three major negative impacts embedded in Bill C-282, a trade bill awaiting Senate approval that would prevent Canadian trade negotiators from ever ceding any ground on supply management. First, gratuitously removing dairy, poultry and its…
Intelligence Memos
From: Colin Busby To: Retirement savings observers Date: September 25, 2023 Re: RRSP or TFSA? Canadians Need Help to Make the Call A successful savings plan is the product of both how much is saved and the returns on those savings, which one could call saving efficiency. This second aspect of savings decisions is often overlooked. Given the importance of tax treatment to effective savings, how…
Intelligence Memos
From: Will Falk and Trevor Jamieson To: Canadian Healthcare Observers Date: May 8, 2023 Re: A National Digital Health Architecture is Long Overdue. Let’s Get Going Digital health is vital for healthcare and its governance and legislative framework should be a broader federal government responsibility – not just a healthcare issue. Canada’s national digital health…
Intelligence Memos
To: Competition Policy Watchers From: Paul A. Johnson Date: April 13, 2023 Re: Canada Should Not Restrict Competition with Bright Line Rules The federal government is currently re-examining Canada’s Competition Act. Such re-examination is natural and useful – especially given the paucity of Canadian competition jurisprudence, which can give a single decided case outsized significance and cause…