306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Media Release
July 24, 2013 – The real demographic challenge for Canadian policymakers is adapting to a population growing “younger,” after taking increased life expectancies into account, says a report released today by the C.D. Howe Institute.  In “The Main Challenge of Our Times: A Population Growing Younger,” authors Marcel Boyer and Sébastien Boyer propose an alternative approach to population aging…
The Study in Brief With the significant decline in single-employer defined-benefit (DB) pension plans in the private sector, it’s important to understand other alternatives. One such alternative is the target-benefit plan.  The regulation of target-benefit plans (TBPs) in all provinces across Canada can be made more straightforward and effective using lessons learned from real-life…
Intelligence Memos
From: Brian Lewis and Damian Dupuy To: Ontario Economy Observers Date: July 25, 2024 Re: Nostalgia Should Not Drive Ontario’s Economic Development Policy  Despite bold promises and billions of dollars of support, Ontario manufacturing jobs remain around the same level as when Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives came to power. The province needs to move past the…
Intelligence Memos
From: Lawrence Herman To: Foreign influence watchers Date: May 16, 2024 Re: Foreign Agent Registry – Finally Some Action The Globe and Mail got it right in a May 9 editorial: After months – years – of prevarication, the government finally showed enough resolve to announce plans for a foreign agent registry to combat outside interference in Canadian politics.  The proposed…
Intelligence Memos
From: Lawrence Herman To: Canadians concerned about trade Date: August 30, 2023 Re: Only the Senate Can Rescue us from the Latest Dairy Power Play Bill C-282 is a terrible piece of legislation. Yet it sailed through the House of Commons and is now in the Senate, the last hope for bringing some sanity to the matter. Indications are that key senators, including Senator Peter…
Intelligence Memos
From: Jeremy M. Kronick and Duncan T. Munn To: Financial Sector Regulators Date: March 27, 2023 Re: Six Banking Lessons From the Moment With the implosion of systemically important Credit Suisse, the reverberations from Silicon Valley Bank’s failure continue to rattle regulators, investors, and Canadians alike. What is the risk of further financial contagion, globally and for…