Parents across the country may be thinking about taking on an extra shift or an extra job to pay off bills from the holiday season or keep up with the rising costs of day-to-day items. What these hard working parents pocket from extra work not only depends on the taxes they pay on that additional income, but also on how much their income-tested government benefits such as the Canada Child Benefit or the Canada Workers Benefit will be reduced or “clawed back.”

In a recent C.D. Howe Institute study, we calculate the total impact of taxes and benefit clawbacks on families with children, giving us what we call “effective” tax rates. We found that parents in low-income families in particular face high effective tax rates. For instance…

A great part of Canada’s goal of eliminating emissions from electricity generation by 2050 relies on renewable energy, and the relevant technology is simply not there yet. Wind and solar generate valuable zero-greenhouse-gas power – but only provided there exist low-cost means to “store” surplus electricity not needed by the utility at time of generation but needed later. Without adequate storage, power utilities heavily dependent on wind/solar risk instability.

The problem has not arisen in Canada, but has elsewhere. Advocates of nuclear, including many Canadian power utilities, make the obvious argument in finding a solution: Nuclear power emits no GHGs and is accessible, whether or not the sun is shining and/or the wind is…

Le climat et sa sœur, la biodiversité, sont des jumeaux qu’on n’aurait pas dû séparer à la naissance.

À la COP15 de Montréal, on se penche sur le cas de la petite, aussi grave mais autrement plus compliqué que celui de son frère, traité le mois dernier à la COP27, à Charm el-Cheikh. Les savants docteurs ont intérêt à travailler ensemble, car ces enjeux sont intimement liés.

Le réchauffement climatique réduit la biodiversité et vice versa. Un exemple : le réchauffement étend les déserts et le recul de la végétation réduit le captage naturel du carbone, qui s’échappe dans l’atmosphère et empire le réchauffement.

Heureusement, ce qui est bon pour l’un l’est aussi pour l’autre. On estime que des solutions axées sur…