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February 1, 1993

The C.D. Howe Institute convened a meeting of prominent private sector economists on January 27, 1993 to discuss Canada’s seemingly chronic rising government and foreign debts. Some participants in the workshop argued that Canada was fast approaching a crisis point, where continued heavy borrowing might not be possible.

One message emerged clearly from the workshop. The damage to Canadians’ living standards of a fiscal retrenchment forced by an abrupt end to investors’ willingness to buy Canadian debt would be far greater than that of a timely, controlled budget-balancing process.

This Commentary provides a summary of the views and recommendations of conference participants.

Roger Martin, Dean of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, wrote in the Walrus that “Avoiding a Crisis captured the attention of the media and the public, and provided an impetus for the transformation of Canada’s fiscal policy, helping make “deficit” a dirty word.”


William Robson

Bill Robson took office as President and CEO of the C.D. Howe Institute in July 2006, after serving as the Institute’s Senior Vice President since 2003 and Director of Research from 2000 to 2003. He has written more than 270 monographs, articles, chapters and books on such subjects as government budgets, pensions, healthcare financing, inflation and currency issues.