306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Published in the Financial Post on March 4, 2014 By Finn Poschmann Ottawa is soon to release proposals on bank bail-ins, the process by which bank bondholders, who seem always to get bailed out when banks get into trouble, instead might be bailed-in, becoming shareholders. The idea is to avoid government bailouts of institutions that are thought too big to fail and to limit the damage…
Published in the Financial Post on February 20, 2014 By Finn Poschmann To reduce the consequences of financial failures, the federal government should encourage provincial institutions to scale back insurance offered depositors The global financial crisis drove deposit insurance on to the international regulatory agenda. And in Canada, generous provincial deposit insurance expansions, since 2008…
Published in the Financial Post on October 2, 2013 By Finn Poschmann Last Wednesday Scotiabank sold the first Canadian bonds backed by consumer lines of credit in 12 years. The highly rated issue sold at market, according to a Bloomberg report, at an impressive 78 basis points over similar-term Canadian government bonds. Critics may worry that such events signal a continuing explosion in…
Published in the Financial Post on February 7, 2013 By Philippe Bergevin and Finn Poschmann Through what are known as financial Crown corporations, the federal government is a big player in financial markets, as a direct lender, a guarantor, and an insurer. While CMHC, the federal mortgage insurer, has grabbed attention in recent years owing to its — and federal taxpayers’ — backing of about…
Published in the Financial Post on April 27, 2012 By Finn Poschmann The financial press burst into a minor tizzy Thursday, in a quest to digest the housing and finance market implications of the 2012 budget implementation bill Finance Minister Jim Flaherty tabled in the House of Commons. Notwithstanding the bill’s 431 pages, what grabbed attention was a few short sections overhauling Canada…
Published in the National Post on April 8, 2010 By William B.P. Robson and Colin Busby Since the early 1970s, “supply management” has subjected Canadian dairy, poultry and egg production to government-mandated cartels. Introduced to increase producer power vis-à-vis intermediaries and consumers, and thus raise farm incomes, supply management supports higher-than-market prices by…