306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, C.D. Howe Institute experts have been busy tackling the policy challenges that the global pandemic has created. On this page, readers can find our most recent reports from our Crisis Working Groups, Intelligence Memos, op-eds, media appearances and more addressing the issues affecting Canadians and the economy in these troubled…
The Study In Brief Millions of workers in Ontario have no access to supplemental health and dental benefits that reimburse most costs for prescription drugs, dental, vision and mental health services. These services are indisputably essential to good health, productivity and financial security for workers and their families. One solution is a portable health benefits (PHB) plan that allows a…
The Study in Brief Canadians have been debating whether Canada’s regulatory and permitting processes strike the right balance between attracting investments in major resource projects and mitigating potential harm from those investments. These regulatory processes typically apply to complex and expensive projects, such as mines, large hydrocarbon production projects (oil sands, liquefied natural…
Introduction and Overview With the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, a concerning trajectory of federal spending has become clear. The economic rebound and higher inflation have boosted federal revenues, and the government is spending almost all the new money. While some new spending is arguably effective in improving Canadian wellbeing, most is not. Federal compensation costs are…
The Municipal Money Mystery: Fiscal Accountability in Canada’s Cities, 2023 by William B.P. Robson and Nicholas Dahir The budgets municipal governments present around the beginning of their fiscal years, and the audited financial statements they publish after year-end, are crucial for decision-making and accountability. A review of the budgets and audited financial statements of 32 major…
Executive Summary Public-sector investment funds (especially pension funds) have been increasingly pooled and managed by investment management firms in Ontario. Pooled asset management generates a net benefit to public-sector spending patterns by realizing benefits from economies of scale, including reducing costs associated with the duplication of fund management while also enhancing risk…