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COVID-19: The C.D. Howe Institute’s Complete Policy Analysis
Page Title: | COVID-19: The C.D. Howe Institute’s Complete Policy Analysis – C.D. Howe Institute |
Article Title: | COVID-19: The C.D. Howe Institute’s Complete Policy Analysis |
URL: | https://cdhowe.org/publication/covid-19-cd-howe-institutes-complete-policy-analysis/ |
Published Date: | June 2, 2021 |
Accessed Date: | February 13, 2025 |
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As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, C.D. Howe Institute experts have been busy tackling the policy challenges that the global pandemic has created. On this page, readers can find our most recent reports from our Crisis Working Groups, Intelligence Memos, op-eds, media appearances and more addressing the issues affecting Canadians and the economy in these troubled times.
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June 1, 2020: COVID-19 Policy Measures by Country
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April 15, 2021: Trains, Lanes and Automobiles: The Effect of COVID-19 on the Future of Public Transit
March 23, 2021: Who Will Pay for the Economic Lockdown?
February 12, 2021: From Here to Full Inoculation: How an Epidemiological-Economic Model Can Help as We Rollout Vaccines
February 11, 2021: Help Wanted: How to Address Labour Shortages in Healthcare and Improve Patient Access
December 8, 2020: Canada’s Virtual Care Revolution: A Framework for Success
October 15, 2020: COVID-19: A Catalyst for Change in Health and Healthcare?
October 8, 2020: Canadian Monetary Policy in the Time of COVID-19
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February 23: Telecom Sector Investments Key to Future Prosperity: Telecommunications Working Group
February 17, 2021: Stimulus Spending if Necessary, but not Necessarily Stimulus Spending: C.D. Howe Institute Fiscal and Tax Working Group
November 27, 2020: Permanently Higher Federal Spending Threatens GST Hike: C.D. Howe Institute Fiscal & Tax Working Group
October 28, 2020: Lessons from the First Wave of COVID-19: Public Health and Emergency Measures Working Group
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May 14, 2021: Don Drummond – Provincial Demands for Higher Canada Health Transfers
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May 4, 2021: Ambler, Kronick, Robson – The Bank of Canada’s Government Bond Purchases: The Case for Less
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April 5, 2021: William B.P. Robson – Is Inflation Back? In the End, it’s a Question of Politics
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January 8, 2021: Amin Mawani – CERB Repayments and Taxpayer Recourse
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December 16, 2020: Don Drummond – Through the Fiscal Fog: Large Deficits and Debt as Far as the Eye Can See
December 7, 2020: Christian Leuprecht – By Gambling on a Free Lunch, the Federal Government is Making a Daring Fiscal Bet
November 26, 2020: Alexandre Laurin – Ottawa Needs a Clear Debt Reduction Target in Monday’s Fiscal Update
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October 26, 2020: William B.P. Robson – Ottawa’s Spending Won’t Stay Cheap
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October 22, 2020: Schwanen, Wyonch – What’s the COVID-19 Plan?
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October 15, 2020: Daniel Schwanen – COVID-19: We Have Met the Enemy, and It Is (in) Us
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October 8, 2020: Green, Simard-Duplain, Siu – A COVID Assessment Tool to Guide the Opening and Closing of Sectors
October 7, 2020: Tammy Schirle – Unemployment in the 21st Century
October 6, 2020: Jenkins, Kronick – Health and the Economy – With Numbers
October 1, 2020: Kronick, Ambler – Average Inflation Targeting: Is it Right for Canada?
September 24, 2020: William B.P. Robson – Will It Take Outrage at Waste to Stop the Federal Government’s Borrowing Binge?
September 21, 2020: Luc Godbout – A Quebec Model for a Fiscal Anchor
September 18, 2020: Stéphanie Lluis – Consequences of the High EI benefits Floor (II)
September 17, 2020: Stéphanie Lluis – Consequences of the High EI Benefits Floor
September 16, 2020: Bev Dahlby – On Fiscal Anchors
September 15, 2020: Kronick, Ambler – Parting Ways: The Bank of Canada Holds Steady, the Fed Experiments
September 11, 2020: Jennifer Robson – Is This as Good as It Gets Until We Get Back to “Normal”?
September 11, 2020: Paul Jenkins – The Long … and the Short of Finding Equilibrium
September 10, 2020: Ambler, Kronick – The GDP Story is Not as Bleak as Reported
September 9, 2020: Morley Gunderson – Labour Policies for Novel Shocks such as COVID-19
August 28, 2020: Vivek Goel – A Population Health Approach to COVID-19
August 26, 2020: Henri-Paul Rousseau – A New Agenda for CIOs and CEOs Facing Systemic Risk (Part Two)
August 25, 2020: Schwanen, Ciuriak – Canada and ASEAN Trade Agreement can Foster Economic Recovery, Development and Well-being
August 25, 2020: Henri-Paul Rousseau – A New Agenda for CIOs and CEOs Facing Systemic Risk (Part One)
August 24, 2020: Don Drummond – Don't Forget a Fiscal Anchor for the Speech from the Throne
August 21, 2020: Blit, Jin, Skuterud – Re-opening and Re-closing the Economy Strategically
August 19, 2020: Robson, Omran – Fiscal Accountability: Our Annual Report Card
August 18, 2020: Ambler, Kronick, Omran – When Can We Say the Recession is Over?
August 17, 2020: Van Dijk, Hodgson – Addressing Canada’s COVID-19-induced Public Debt Ailment
August 12, 2020: Schirle, Skuterud – Job Search, New Jobs, and What it Means for Future Policy
August 11, 2020: Stephen Williamson – Three Questions about Bank of Canada Balance Sheet Expansion
August 10, 2020: Richards, Mahboubi – Canada Has Three Other Education Problems in Addition to Teaching During the Pandemic
August 7, 2020: David Johnson – Teaching with COVID Restrictions in Elementary Schools: What Can Be Done?
August 6, 2020: Miles Wu – Lessons from Abroad
August 4, 2020: Knubley, Hunter – Three Principles for Tougher Foreign Takeover Reviews
July 30, 2020: Kronick, Ambler, Robson – Welcome Clarity about Monetary Policy in Pandemic Times
July 24, 2020: John Pecman – Can Antitrust Laws Assist with the Economic Recovery?
July 23, 2020: Van Dijk, Hodgson – Developing a Credible Public Debt Management Plan
July 21, 2020: Glen Hodgson – The Goalposts Keep Shifting for the Canadian Energy Sector
July 20, 2020: Laurin, Robson, Wu – Was Ottawa’s Frightening Fiscal Snapshot a Prelude to Something Worse?
July 16, 2020: Joel Blit – COVID-19 Will Transform Our Economy – If We Get Our Policies Right
July 15, 2020: Schirle, Skuterud – The Moms Are Not All Right
July 14, 2020: Laurin, Robson – The Federal Fiscal Snapshot has Shown us the Problem. So What’s the Plan?
July 13, 2020: Jenkins, Kronick – Health and the Economy - With Numbers
July 7, 2020: Van Dijk, Hodgson – How to Pay for the COVID-19-induced Federal Debt?
July 6, 2020: Laurin, Wu, Robson – Fiscal Snapshot Will Show a Grim Picture of Federal Debt
July 3, 2020: Wyonch, Maharishi – Low-Value Care: Health’s Future and Fiscal Reckoning
July 2, 2020: Stéphanie Lluis – Regional Differences in Job Growth Shows Ottawa Must Think Regionally
June 30, 2020: Schwellnus, Koelle – Supporting Incomes While Promoting a Speedy Labour Market Recovery
June 29, 2020: Trevor Tombe – Potential Gains from Provinces Easing Labour Mobility Barriers
June 26, 2020: Grant Bishop – Three Requirements for Canada’s Petroleum Industry
June 25, 2020: Barry Gros – Rules-based Regulations a Poor Fit for Target-benefit Pension Plans
June 25, 2020: William B.P. Robson – COVID-19 Must Not Undermine Governments’ Fiscal Accountability
June 24, 2020: Boessenkool, Robson – Thoughts on Forestalling the Coming Childcare Crisis
June 24, 2020: Jon Johnson – Relief from Threat of Section 232 Tariffs: End of the Road
June 23, 2020: James A. Haley – Securing the Recovery
June 22, 2020: Rosalie Wyonch – Low-Value Care and COVID-19
June 19, 2020: Godbout, Gagné-Dubé – Lessons from Ireland on Pandemic Income Support
June 19, 2020: Godbout, Gagné-Dubé – Leçons de l'Irlande sur le soutien au revenu pendant la pandémie
June 18, 2020: Paul Jenkins – Building Confidence: The Critical Intersection of Health and the Economy
June 17, 2020: Hodgson, van Dijk – Cornerstones for a Realistic Fiscal Plan
June 16, 2020: Rosalie Wyonch – Low-Value Care: Re-opening the Healthcare System and Living with COVID-19
June 15, 2020: Jeremy M. Kronick – A Baseline Understanding of Fiscal Sustainability
June 12, 2020: Janice MacKinnon – The CERB Decision: Reform or Replace?
June 12, 2020: Lemieux, Schirle, Skuterud – Initial Impacts of COVID-19 on the Labour Market
June 11, 2020: Kronick, Ambler – The Bank of Canada’s Next Trick? Balancing the Balance Sheet
June 8, 2020: Tim Brennan – Could COVID-19 Justify Competitor Cooperation?
June 5, 2020: Jennifer Robson – Not Stimulus, Rehab, That’s What the Economy Needs
June 5, 2020: Mike Veall – Freezing EI Premiums
June 4, 2020: Lori Sterling – The Next Phase of Economic Recovery, Part Two: Reforming Pandemic-Related Programs for Business
June 4, 2020: Lori Sterling – The Next Phase of Economic Recovery, Part One: Transitioning Pandemic-Related Relief Programs for Individuals
June 3, 2020: Randy Bauslaugh – ESG Investing Will Get a Boost from the Pandemic
June 2, 2020: Green, Simard-Duplain, Siu – A COVID Assessment Tool to Guide the Opening and Closing of Sectors
June 2, 2020: Mariam Ragab – Our Tracker Shows Emerging Signs of Recovery, but We Are Not in the Clear
May 29, 2020: Ken Boessenkool – Supply-side Shocks and the COVID Economic Recovery
May 28, 2020: Stéphanie Lluis – Lessons from Employment Insurance for the CERB
May 28, 2020: Andrew Spence – Whither Inflation when Supply Chains Come Home?
May 27, 2020: Schwanen, Robson – Ontario Needs More Clarity on its Re-opening Process
May 27, 2020: Rodney Dobson – How to Get Governments Real-time Pay Information
May 26, 2020: Kronick, Zelmer, Dodge – Inflation Target: The Only Anchor Left
May 25, 2020: Laurin, Dachis – An Income Support Plan to Support the Recovery
May 22, 2020: Michael J. O’Connor – Commercial Rent Part 3: Levelling the Playing Field
May 21, 2020: Kronick, Robson – Making Sure Zombie Firms Aren’t Propped up Post-COVID
May 20, 2020: Laurin, Dachis – A Stimulus Plan to Restart the Job Market
May 19, 2020: Almos Tassonyi – From the Black Death to the Depression to COVID-19: Using Debt to Overcome the Municipal Fiscal Squeeze
May 15, 2020: Ken Boessenkool – Ottawa has the Tools to Replace the CERB (Part II)
May 15, 2020: Ken Boessenkool – Ottawa has the Tools to Replace the CERB (Part I)
May 14, 2020: Konrad von Finckenstein – Balancing Privacy and Cellphone Tracing to Fight COVID-19
May 14, 2020: Rosalie Wyonch – COVID-19 Immunity: What We Don’t Know but Can Now Test For
May 13, 2020: Laurin, Wu, Robson – Net Federal Debt Heading for $1 Trillion
May 13, 2020: Schirle, Milligan, Skuterud – What April’s Jobs Data Shows for the Future
May 12, 2020: Tammy Schirle – Designing a CERB that supports efforts to re-open the economy
May 11, 2020: Kronick, Munn – Ensuring Capital for the Recovery
May 8, 2020: Kronick, Koeppl – For a Revamped Federal Backstop
May 8, 2020: Trevor Tombe – Federal Support to Provinces
May 7, 2020: Ken Boessenkool – Change the Child Tax Deduction to Address the Coming Childcare Shortage
May 7, 2020: Glen Hodgson – The Business Impacts of the Pandemic and Restart
May 6, 2020: Kronick, Zelmer – Can the Bank of Canada Keep Inflation On Target When the Economy Recovers?
May 5, 2020: Luc Godbout – The CERB and the CESB: Balancing Work Incentives Against Fairness Considerations
May 5, 2020: Luc Godbout – La PCU et la PCUÉ: Trouver l’équilibre entre incitation au travail et équité
May 5, 2020: Bishop, Dachis – Ontario Industrial Power Prices are Set to Spike: A Four-part Reform
May 5, 2020: Don Drummond – The Federal Government Can Handle the Post-pandemic Debt Hangover, But it Will Not be Easy
May 4, 2020: Louise R. Summerhill – Avoiding a COVID-19 Income Tax Distortion
May 1, 2020: Drummond, Sinclair, Walker, Simpson – Public Health, from Last to First
April 30, 2020: Michael Smart – Ensuring the Independence of the Bank of Canada Remains Intact
April 30, 2020: Phil Oreopoulos – Graduating During the COVID-19 Recession
April 30, 2020: Mahboubi, Laurin, Robson – How Best to Curb the CERB Once it's Safe to Return to Work
April 29, 2020: Schwanen, Robson – Our Lessons in Loosening Lie in Europe
April 29, 2020: Schwanen, Wyonch – Local Removal of Restrictions Imposed to Fight the Spread of COVID-19
April 28, 2020: Kyle Hanniman – Backstopping Provincial Debt: How the Bank of Canada Made its Move
April 27, 2020: Mawani, Hajee – Assessing How Ottawa’s New Wage Subsidy Lines up with EI and CERB
April 27, 2020: Mark Zelmer – Facilitating an Exit Strategy for Bank of Canada Market Interventions
April 24, 2020: O’Connor, Tal – Integrate Programs to Help Commercial Landlords and Tenants
April 22, 2020: Baker, Bloom, Davis, Terry – COVID-Induced Economic Uncertainty
April 21, 2020: Bishop, Shaffer – As Electricity Demand Sinks, Ontario Power Costs Rise 24 Percent With More to Come
April 21, 2020: Hodgson, Robson – Some Principles for an Economic Restart
April 20, 2020: Don Drummond – Debt Could Choke a Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery
April 17, 2020: Ken Boessenkool – Three Ways to Treat the CERB in Social Assistance
April 17, 2020: Don Drummond – Release EI Data Fast to Track the COVID-19 Damage
April 16, 2020: Michael J. O’Connor – A Tax Policy Response for Commercial Landlords and Tenants
April 16, 2020: Hugh O’Reilly – Regional, Economically Important Credit Unions Must Be Included in STLF
April 16, 2020: Blomqvist, Wyonch – COVID and Professional Scopes of Practice
April 15, 2020: Bishop, Ragab – In a Pandemic, Canada Needs Faster Economic Data: Here’s Our New Tracker
April 14, 2020: Schirle, Milligan, Skuterud – Digging One Level Deeper into March’s Workforce Numbers
April 13, 2020: Robson, Kronick – Backstopping Provincial Borrowing
April 9, 2020: Janet Ecker – Some Questions about the Aftermath
April 9, 2020: Schwanen, Hodgson – The Current Pandemic and Long-Term Threats to Supply Chains
April 8, 2020: Milligan, Schirle – A Labour Force Survey Pandemic Primer
April 7, 2020: Bhatia, Falk, Jamieson, Piovesan, Shaw – Virtual Healthcare is Having its Moment. Rules will be Needed
April 6, 2020: Don Drummond – COVID-19 and University and College Students
April 6, 2020: Bishop, Dachis, Robson – Making the Federal Wage Subsidy Work
April 6, 2020: David Losier – Government Guaranteed “Ready for Business” Cash Flow Loans
April 3, 2020: Jennifer Robson – Why Can’t They Just Send Us All a Cheque?
April 3, 2020: Luc Godbout – La prestation canadienne d’urgence: Après l’urgence, prévoir la transition vers le retour au marché du travail
April 2, 2020: Jenkins, Kronick – COVID-19: A Macroeconomic Narrative
April 2, 2020: Mark Zelmer – Managing the Economic Consequences of the Coronavirus Pandemic
April 1, 2020: O’Reilly, Waitzer – Rental Chaos: The Need for a Rules-Based Eviction Framework
March 31, 2020: Kevin Milligan – Fortifying the CERB
March 31, 2020: Ambler, Kronick – Financing the COVID Deficit: Short and Long Runs
March 30, 2020: Edward Waitzer – Fairness to Tenants: The Urgent Need for a Nationally Coordinated Policy Response
March 30, 2020: Phil Oreopoulos – An Evidence-Based Approach to Education During a Pandemic
March 27, 2020: Dachis, Bishop, Robson – An Ounce of Layoff Prevention is Worth a Pound of Income-Support Cure
March 27, 2020: David Powell – Filling the Gap: Emergency Funding Programs and Asset-Based Finance in Times of Economic Crisis
March 26, 2020: William White – The Recession and the Pandemic: Cause or Trigger?
March 25, 2020: William B.P. Robson and Grant Bishop – Job Subsidy from Ottawa is Key to Getting Through the COVID-19 Crisis
March 25, 2020: Glen Hodgson – The Other Canadian Threat: The Oil Sector Price Shock
March 24, 2020: Gillezeau, Petit, Tedds – Recommendations for Immediate Provincial Policy Responses to COVID-19
March 24, 2020: Robson, Bishop – Coronavirus Crisis Shows Value of Robust Digital Infrastructure
March 23, 2020: Samuel, Robson – The Economy Needs a Timeline
March 20, 2020: William B. P. Robson – Give Businesses a Lifeline: Relief on GST/HST Remittances
March 20, 2020: Glen Hodgson – What Will a Pandemic Mean for Economic Performance?
March 20, 2020: Benjamin Dachis – Provincial Economic Policy Responses to COVID-19
March 19, 2020: Tammy Schirle – The Next Piece of the Puzzle
March 18, 2020: Dwight Duncan – Extraordinary Events Call for Extraordinary Responses
March 18, 2020: Kronick, Ambler – The Path Forward for the Bank of Canada
March 17, 2020: Kevin Milligan – The Economy Needs a Big, Strong COVID Bridge
March 16, 2020: Glen Hodgson – The Role of Crown Financial Institutions During a Pandemic
March 16, 2020: Laurin, Robson – Crisis Relief for Canadian Savers
March 16, 2020: William B. P. Robson – COVID-19: How Canada’s Governments Can Really Help
March 16, 2020: Thorsten Koeppl – For More and Swift Action, Just Look to Germany
March 16, 2020: Hodgson, Schwanen – Looking Beyond Macro-Economic Policies to Address Consequences of COVID-19
March 13, 2020: Ambler, Kronick – The COVID-19 Monetary Policy Problem
March 11, 2020: Kronick, Robson – The Bank of Canada and COVID-19
February 28, 2020: Kronick, Omran – Coronavirus and Supply-side Shocks
January 28, 2020: Bhatia, Falk, McCready, Tepper – Responding to the Coronavirus: Building Capacity through Virtual Care
March 25, 2021: Borrowing Covering Over Half of Federal Programs Cost
November 9, 2020: The Crucial Economic Value of K-12 Schooling
October 28, 2020: Testing Gaps: Prevalence of COVID-19 and Antibodies
October 20, 2020 1.3M Canadians Out of Work for More than 6 Months
July 30, 2020: Battling Job Losses in Times of COVID
June 8, 2020: A Glimmer of Hope in Dismal Job Numbers
May 29, 2020: Distress Signals: Canada’s GDP Contraction in March 2020
April 1, 2020: Hitting Home: Hours and Wages Lost to COVID-19 by Location, Age, Income and Education
March 27, 2020: Ottawa Delivers 1-2 Punch to Prevent Layoffs and Mitigate Economic Harm
April 22, 2021: S3 E9: Budget 2021 Reaction
April 12, 2021: S3 E8: Strengthening Canada's Childcare System
March 25, 2021: S3 E6: Paying for the Pandemic While Helping Small Business with Jagmeet Singh
February 26, 2021: S3 E3: 5G and Canada's Telecom Future
January 26, 2021: S3 E1: Addressing Labour Supply Shortages in Healthcare
December 17, 2020: S2 E22: 2020 – The Year of Unprecedented Times
December 10, 2020: S2 E21: Ontario's COVID Response with Steven Del Duca
November 27, 2020: S2 E20: Flattening the Curve on the Second Wave
November 12, 2020: S2 E19: The Path to Prosperity Post COVID-19
September 17, 2020: S2 E15: The Need for Fiscal Anchors with John Manley and Janice MacKinnon
September 2, 2020: S2 E14 – Adapting to New Realities in Trade
July 30, 2020: S2 E12 – COVID-19: Catalyst for Change in Canadian Health
June 29, 2020: S2 E10 – The Future of Commercial and Industrial Real Estate under COVID-19
May 28, 2020: S2 E8 – Monetary Anchors with Mark Zelmer and Jeremy Kronick
May 15, 2020: S2 E7 – Business Impacts of the Pandemic and Restart with Glen Hodgson
April 17, 2020: S2 E6 – Healthcare after COVID-19 with Janet Ecker
March 20, 2020: S2 E5 – COVID-19 Emergency Response Package
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April 19, 2021: Budget 2021 rolls all the dice - iPolitics Op-Ed
April 14, 2021: Transit tripped up: the effect of COVID-19 and the future of public transit - Hill Times Op-Ed
April 6, 2021: Only true global consensus can guide the design of effective COVID-19 vaccine passports - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
April 4, 2021: Governments need to ensure the unemployed have the right skills for the postpandemic economy - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
March 31, 2021: Don't be alarmed as the Bank of Canada begins its COVID withdrawal - Financial Post Op-Ed
March 26, 2021: Who should pay for the lockdown debt? - Financial Post Op-Ed
March 24, 2021: Canada risks becoming house-rich and everything else-poor - Financial Post Op-Ed
March 18, 2021: The Bank of Canada needs to manage inflation expectations - Financial Post Op-Ed
March 15, 2021: Is inflation back? It’s not an economic question, it’s political - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
March 2, 2021: Help wanted: How to address labour shortages in health care - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
February 24, 2021: Targeted lockdowns could cut the pandemic's economic losses by billions - Financial Post Op-Ed
February 22, 2021: Les dogmes budgétaires remis en question - La Presse Opinion
February 14, 2021: It is time for a Canadian Equitable Growth Institute - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
February 3, 2021: Debt danger ahead if interest rates outpace growth - Financial Post Op-Ed
January 29, 2021: Should the Bank of Canada's interest rates go any lower? - Financial Post Op-Ed
January 11, 2021: La numérisation ou la désuétude pour les entreprises - La Presse Op-Ed
January 10, 2021: How much has the COVID-19 pandemic damaged the economy? - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
December 29, 2020: 2020 Hindsight – William Robson: Our year of magical thinking - Financial Post Op-Ed
December 22, 2020: Keep the virtual health-care revolution going - Financial Post Op-Ed
December 17, 2020: Fiscal dominance would hobble the Bank of Canada - Financial Post Op-Ed
December 7, 2020: La vraie menace pour les finances publiques : le coût des soins de santé à long terme - La Presse Opinion
November 25, 2020: Managing COVID beyond lockdowns and vaccine research - iPolitics Op-Ed
November 17, 2020: Competition can best contain food delivery fees, not unnecessary regulation - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
November 3, 2020: Inflation may be back sooner than you think - Financial Post Op-Ed
October 28, 2020: For the Bank of Canada, the hard part begins now - Financial Post Op-Ed
October 20, 2020: William Robson: Government spending looks cheap today — but that won't last - Financial Post Op-Ed
October 15, 2020: Gig workers need more than temporary government relief programs - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
October 9, 2020: Canadian expats are a valuable resource. So why isn’t the country putting them to use? - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
October 8, 2020: For the Bank of Canada, what does the link between monetary policy and inequality mean? - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
October 7, 2020: Alberta can help jump-start its economy with three simple words: Come on in - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
September 30, 2020: Competition in health care: Let’s have a serious debate - Financial Post Op-Ed
September 29, 2020: Should the Bank of Canada follow the Fed's inflation policy shift? - Financial Post Op-Ed
September 21, 2020: What will stop Ottawa’s debt binge? - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
September 3, 2020: The downturn was bad enough. Don’t quadruple it! - Financial Post Op-Ed
August 12, 2020: If this recovery sustains, this recession could be shortest on record — or one of the longest - Financial Post Op-Ed
July 30, 2020: Recovery requires speedy foreign investment review - Financial Post Op-Ed
July 21, 2020: In the pandemic fog, some welcome clarity from the Bank of Canada - Financial Post Op-Ed
July 15, 2020: After the fiscal snapshot, a horror movie? - Financial Post Op-Ed
July 9, 2020: The federal fiscal snapshot has shown us the problem. So what’s the plan? - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
July 7, 2020: Just a month or two more of this recession and it truly will be the Big One - Financial Post Op-Ed
June 30, 2020: The perfect stimulus for cash-strapped governments - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
June 23, 2020: Canada’s recovery plans should focus on building the infrastructure of the future - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
June 17, 2020: COVID-19's mysterious budget-killing side effect - Financial Post Op-Ed
June 16, 2020: The federal government owes Canadians a fiscal update - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
June 15, 2020: When the pandemic subsides, preserving the arts must be a top priority for governments - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
June 15, 2020: La bourse a-t-elle la berlue ? - La Presse Opinion
June 7, 2020: Without the clarity they need, Alberta’s oil sands producers are being set up to fail - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
June 4, 2020: Bank of Canada’s next trick involves a delicate three-way balancing act - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
June 4, 2020: Don’t force Canadian banks to cut dividends - Financial Post Op-Ed
May 26, 2020: How Ontario’s reopening is managed will have consequences across the country — it needs a clearer plan - Financial Post Op-Ed
May 20, 2020: Once the crisis is over, we will need to let the zombie firms go - Financial Post Op-Ed
May 19, 2020: COVID-19 has stimulated a slew of ideas about how to revitalize the WTO in a post-pandemic world - Financial Post Op-Ed
April 28, 2020: The best lessons from abroad about reopening our economies are in Europe - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
April 27, 2020: Change accelerator: COVID-19 - Hill Times Op-Ed
April 22, 2020: Bank of Canada's unprecedented actions mean there may be inflation ahead - Financial Post Op-Ed
April 20, 2020: What happens to the health system after COVID-19? - Toronto Star Op-Ed
April 17, 2020: How to help the provinces weather the COVID-19 economic shock - Financial Post Op-Ed
April 13, 2020: Governments should rely on industry task forces to advise on restarting the economy - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
April 10, 2020: For Canada’s devastated oil industry, a price floor would be a bridge to nowhere - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
April 9, 2020: How to prevent a COVID-19 provincial borrowing crisis - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
April 8, 2020: Let Canadians access their RRSP wealth for an immediate, cheap source of financial assistance - Financial Post Op-Ed
April 6, 2020: Médecine de guerre pour sauver l’économie - La Presse Opinion
April 6, 2020: The last thing we need in a pandemic is me-first instincts of international trade - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
April 3, 2020: The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is the right tool for this crisis - Financial Post Op-Ed
March 25, 2020: Job subsidy is key to getting through the COVID-19 crisis – Toronto Star Op-Ed
March 22, 2020: Canadian businesses need much bigger subsidies for salaries during this crisis - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
March 20, 2020: Give businesses a break on GST/HST payments during COVID-19 pandemic - National Post Op-Ed
March 15, 2020: During this pandemic, Canadians are feeling real financial stress. Here’s how governments can help - Globe and Mail Op-Ed
March 11, 2020: Bank of Canada should have kept more of its powder dry in case things get worse - Financial Post Op-Ed
May 20, 2021: Rosalie Wyonch on The Agenda – Can Ontario Afford Its Health Spending?
April 28, 2021: Rosalie Wyonch on The Agenda – The Economics of Paid Sick Days
April 21, 2021: Ed Devlin on BNN – Bank of Canada Policy Rate Decision
April 19, 2021: Bill Robson on BNN – Ottawa needs to send a sign that they're taking the future seriously
April 8, 2021: Don Drummond on BNN – Federal Shadow Budget
March 30, 2021: Jennifer Robson on BNN – Childcare spaces are eroding amid the pandemic: Professor
March 23, 2021: John Lester on BNN – Not fair for the next generation to pay our lockdown-induced debt
February 18, 2021: Rosalie Wyonch on BNN – Pandemic has Exacerbated the Labour Shortage in Healthcare
February 16, 2021: John Manley on BNN – Ottawa should think carefully on providing additional stimulus
Novmber 30, 2020: Bill Robson on BNN - I would like to see a five-year track: C.D. Howe CEO on fiscal update
October 7, 2020: Bill Robson on BNN - Canadians are now 'desensitized' despite 'very serious' deficit numbers
September 22, 2020: Ken Boessenkool on The Agenda - Basic Income and the Future of Work
September 22, 2020: Hugh O'Reilly on BNN - We need a fiscal plan that sets targets
July 17, 2020: Paul Jenkins on BNN - We need a 'strong narrative from our policy makers' to help the economy
July 16, 2020: Bill Robson on CityNews – Bank of Canada Holds Lending Rates Steady
July 8, 2020: Bill Robson on BNN - Ottawa's Fiscal Update
June 18, 2020: Glen Hodgson on BNN - PBO projections and the risks of Ottawa's mounting debt
May 20, 2020: Dwight Duncan on BNN - Financing bridge needed to protect at-risk sectors
March 29, 2020: Jeremy Kronick on The West Block - Wage subsidy and quantitative easing are good first steps
March 25, 2020: Glen Hodgson on BNN - Key to economic recovery is 'getting money into peoples hands'
March 19, 2020: William White on BNN - Economist who predicted the last financial crisis warns of a debt bubble pop amid the COVID-19
March 17, 2020: Bill Robson on BNN – RRSP Age Limit Needs to be Raised Amid COVID-19 Crisis
March 13, 2020: Bill Robson on BNN – COVID-19 and Fiscal Aid
February 17, 2020: Dan Ciuriak on CTV - Markets Tumble as COVID-19 Spreads
June 25, 2021: The State of Health and Healthcare Data: Where we’re at and Where we Need to go
June 10, 2021: Testing Debt Tolerance
May 11, 2021: The International Capital Market Reconsidered
April 23, 2021: Post-Budget Briefing
April 9, 2021: Is it Time to Change Charitable Foundations’ Funding Requirements?
March 18, 2021: Fighting for You: Helping Small Businesses and Workers get Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
March 12, 2021: Democracy’s Health in the COVID Era
March 5, 2021: Dr. Stephen Lucas, Deputy Minister, Health Canada
February 9, 2021: Investment and Growth: Getting Canada Moving Again
January 29, 2021: Taking the Helm of a Pension Plan During a Crisis
January 27, 2021: Crisis Preparation in the Time of COVID: Protecting Deposits and the Financial System
January 26, 2021: Regulatory Change and Transformation
January 13, 2021: COVID-19 et la révolution digitale dans le secteur de la santé / COVID-19 and Healthcare’s Digital Revolution
December 15, 2020: Les perspectives de reprise au Québec et au Canada /The Outlook for Quebec and Canada’s Recovery
December 10, 2020: Canadian Surgical Waitlists and COVID-19: Lessons for the Second Wave
December 9, 2020: Resilience Through Change
December 7, 2020: A Towering Problem? COVID-19 and the Demand for Commercial Real Estate
November 30, 2020: Adrift: Finding a New Fiscal Anchor for Canada
November 24, 2020: Graduating into a Crisis: Entering the Workforce During the COVID Recession
November 19, 2020: Innovative Policies for Life Sciences Innovation
November 3, 2020: The Outlook for Global Growth and Living Standards pre and post-COVID-19
October 26, 2020: Ontario Surgical Waitlists and COVID-19: Lessons for the Second Wave
October 22, 2020: Global Prospects: How Deep and Persistent the COVID Scars
October 15, 2020: Provinces in the Red: Crisis Debt Loads
October 6, 2020: Kirsten Hillman, Canada’s Ambassador to the United States, Global Affairs Canada
October 5, 2020: Going Green: Resilient Infrastructure and Canada’s Recovery
September 30, 2020: Change Accelerator: A Post-COVID Healthcare Reform Agenda
September 28, 2020: Adapting Prudential Policy for the New Normal
September 21, 2020: Driving Performance and Progress in Challenging Times
September14, 2020: Regulatory Focus in Turbulent Times
September 9, 2020: The Outlook for Canada’s Recovery
August 31, 2020: New Ways of Working: Re-inventing Your Business in the Age of COVID-19
August 24, 2020: How will the Pandemic Impact Real Estate in Canada’s Urban Centres?
August 20, 2020: What can we expect for housing demand as economies re-open across the country?
August 19, 2020: Globalization in a Post-pandemic World
August 18, 2020: What role does the housing market play in sustaining Canada's financial stability?
August 12, 2020: Managing a Pension Fund Through a Crisis
July 29, 2020: Fighting the Unseen Enemy: Update from the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force
July 24, 2020: Build Back Better? – Cities in a Post-Pandemic World
July 23, 2020: Can COVID-19 Propel Ontario’s Justice System into the Digital Age?
June 29, 2020: France’s COVID-19 Response and Lessons Learned
June 18, 2020: Canada’s International Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
June 11, 2020: Monetary Policy in the Age of COVID-19
May 27, 2020: Views on the Pandemic from Onset to Reopening the Economy
May 25, 2020: Jack Mintz, Chair, Economic Recovery Council, Government of Alberta
May 22, 2020: Relancer l'économie Québécoise et Canadienne
May 20, 2020: Keeping Food on the Table: COVID-19 and the Canadian Food Supply Chain
May 19, 2020: Roots of Revival: Alberta’s Path Forward
May 13, 2020: Sticking to the Fundamentals During a Time of Crisis
May 12, 2020: Ask Me Anything... about the Federal Deficit
May 11, 2020: Re-opening the Economy: A Roadmap from the C.D. Howe Institute’s Crisis Working Groups
May 7, 2020: Caring for Canadians’ Mental Health During the Pandemic
April 30, 2020: Safeguarding Canada’s Workforce During a Pandemic
April 28, 2020: Virtual Beats Viral: Lessons Learned on Digital Health and COVID-19
April 24, 2020: Ask Me Anything… About Shrinking the Curve
April 2, 2020: COVID-19 Crisis and Recovery: The Policy Playbook
March 26, 2020: Ask Me Anything... about the Canadian Governments' Responses to COVID-19
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